call for really shitty posts, apparently, and I’m sorry about that.
I was trying to write a post answering some questions about one of the points in yesterday’s Therapy Thoughts post, and honestly my brain has just gone kaput. (Excited to answer those questions tomorrow though—they are asking for clarification on a really interesting point about worth and abuse.)
Today is Thursday.
Usually on Thursdays I wake up late and hang out with Los. I usually have a free morning, then my own therapy, and then a few clients in the afternoon.
Today thought, I spent hours working on a project (that I am SO FREAKING EXCITED ABOUT—it’s my first full e-course, and it’s about ADHD and couples, and it is coming together so nicely—I am seriously chuffed about it). And then I saw an extra client. Then my own therapy session was very deep—certainly not easy. And then clients. And then we went and saw Tison in his school play.
And now I feel a bit of a migraine coming on.
So… this is it.
This is the post.
Post number 28. (Also, I just noticed that the dates on all my posts when you click on them are wrong? They are the right dates when viewed in list form, but when you click on them, they are the next day? I’m confused by that—but it could be something silly and obvious and my brain just can’t see it right now. Heh.
Hmmmm…. what random phrase will we try now to see if we we can Stump AI as a closing gesture?
Tinkerbell with barbells for hands flying in a bird cage
Ha! It tried really hard. Is that supposed to be a bell in her hand? Whatever the case, good effort, AI.
All right, I want to do one more cuz I want to see a beautiful image. In fact, I’m curious what that phrase will yield. We can take it as our theme of the evening if it’s good:
Okay, now that’s actually really pretty. I’m impressed. And it really is interesting that this is what most humans find beautiful. I wonder why we love trees so much.
Good night,
Ironically, I think in the long run the "lousy" posts will be the most impactful in modeling what happens when you live up to the commitment to show up every day.
This post gives so much permission to anyone following this series to make room for more and less intensity. The same way not every moment in a rewarding relationship is deep and intense - but no less meaningful. It's ALL meaningful.
This post is also, for me, a powerful demonstration of context. Because it's meaningful in the context of your 30 day series. Standing on it's own, out of context, I'd probably be the first to criticize. And so much of what is shared and published IS out of context. A real reminder that most of the iceberg is under the water and not visible, to search for context (or contexts, even).
And lastly, I love where it sits in your day. Your very full, very intense and meaningful day. And not every day in our lives is that intense and full - so on one of those, you can share an intense post.
I frequently find my inner critic nit-picking about chores that didn't get done on intense days. More and more I'm able to say to that voice "are you kidding? Today??"
Thanks for showing up!