Things bringing me comfort as a marginalized white person (queer/neurodivergent):
For anyone out there confused or suffering, I hope this helps in some small way
Observing (from a distance) how BIPOC folx and other POC turn to each other for soothing, comfort, encouragement and inspiration, and realizing that these individuals and communities have built up these resources over decades. Recognizing that I am at the beginning my journey of building up these types of resources for myself. Attempting to model their ingenuity as I look after myself and other folx like me, while purposefully not burdening those who are more heavily impacted by recent events.
Relishing simple joys, like the lavender latte I was able to treat myself to this morning and the uncharacteristic sunshine today in Seattle/Tacoma.
Noticing the many “wins” that have occurred in smaller scope than the presidency. There are a lot of them, and they are each really amazing in their own right.
Thinking in terms of the long game.
Recognizing that this nation, especially white people like me, still have dues to pay for the iniquities of our ancestors. Understanding that what is happening now is part of that, and thinking of ways to step into the “line of fire” so that non-white people don’t take the brunt of that price, thus allowing for restoration on a more cosmic level.
Treating myself at least once a day.
Allowing for rest.
Limited (and very intentional) social media consumption
Speaking to myself with lovingkindness and understanding. Soothing my inner children. Fostering the love inside of me that I hope the world will eventually reflect outside of me.
Much love to all,