Oct 3, 2023Liked by Joshua Mayorga-Weed

I ended up here as the end of a wild goose chase of internet links and mayhem, in which I just got more and more depressed. so thanks for helping me end it on a positive. I feel a bit better.

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Just seeing this now, somehow. So glad things ended on a positive note this day (and I certainly do understand the wild goose chase of internet links and mayhem feeling!) Thanks so much for the comment.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Joshua Mayorga-Weed

Actually loved this answer that came to you. There is indeed growth that comes from adversity and although we don’t like it, which is fine, we don’t grow much when everything is going swimmingly. Have a great weekend son o mine! Love, Dad

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A comment has occurred!! :-) Thanks so much good sir <3

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Coming to this months later but wanting to say thank you for sharing your writing and the rawness in it. As someone who’s also recently leaving the church you express so many thoughts and feelings that are hard to acknowledge let alone articulate and it’s immensely reassuring and meaningful to see myself reflected somewhere. I was loosely aware of you 10+ years ago but like the above comment came to this via a deep internet rabbit hole. But couldn’t be more pleased because it’s just what I’ve needed to take in after many months of navigating what continues to be a painful and liberating experience. So thank you again for sharing your story then and now. Wishing you continued growth and happiness on what has been I’m sure lonely and difficult at times.

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For some reason I keep missing these comments, but I wanted to thank you for your thoughts--so glad you found this post and that it was helpful (clear back in January, lol

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